Oregon Coast & Milky Way workshop
Cannon Beach, Newport, Bandon, Samuel Boardman Scenic Corridor and Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park
7 days & 6 nights • September 15th – 21st 2020
Cost $1,995
Single Room Supplment $585
** new workshop added for 2021 • 2 spots open Sept. 6-12, 2021 **
email me asap if you want to come!
I will be leading a 7 day, 6 night intense workshop on September 15th – September 21st, 2020 to the incredibly photogenic & spectacular Oregon Coast. With spectacular Sea Stack rock formations, rugged & rocky coastline, caves, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, lighthouses and much more, this coastline is one of the best on the planet! I have planned this workshop in mid September to also take advantage of the elusive Milky Way rising over the coastline each night. It is very special place and is a photographers paradise all along the coast and each day will give us tons of amazing photo opportunities
I recently came back after a 10 day scouting trip looking for and marking down the absolute best spots daytime and after dark, using Photo Pills and Google Earth and GPS. The itinerary will be filled with long exposures of crashing waves using ND filters and polarizers to capture water movement like the pros do, hiking to remote beaches, shooting small sand dunes, tide pools, rainforests with moss-covered trees , huge Sea Stacks, low and high views of the coast and more.
Not only will we be photographing these in the best light of sunrise and sunset but then return to photograph the amazing night sky. We have timed this workshop perfectly to be during the new moon, when no moon is present, to get dark skies and also with some moonlight to get moonlight across the coastline and pacific ocean in our images. We will be up early and stay out late some nights to capture the right light and mood in our images. We will photograph stars as points of light, star trails, painting with light and other special techniques for photographing at night. It is an incredibly special place for photographing day and night and you will walk away with many new shooting skills as we will experiment with tons of different techniques!
Death Valley National Park
Up and down the Oregon Coast is magical and this amazing location gives people the chance to expand their horizons with their photography and hang out with others that share their passion. From sunrise to sunset, in so many differnt areas on the coast, we will explore the beauty that this photogenic coast has to offer.
Being out after dark, learning how to capture the night sky and chilling out under the Milky Way is incredibly addicting and shooting it over this rugged coastline will be an unforgettable adventure! There won’t be a lot of sleep on this workshop as we will be out late most nights and up early some mornings and be totally immersed in trying to capture this pretty special part of the US.
• How to scout out the best light & compositions along the coast
• Stepping out of your comfort zone to create powerful & timeless images
• How to scout and shoot the Milky Way & star trails with multiple exposures
• Lightpainting techniques and which gear works best
• Shooting Tide Pools
• Shooting tack sharp images and focus stacking
• Learn to use hyperfocal focusing & the right aperture for depth of field
• Different methods to capture water & cloud movement using ND filters
• How to shoot panoramas & HDR
• Weather forecasting and location scouting
• Exposure Blending techniques for different exposures
• Photoshop techniques including HDR , panoramas & converting to black & white
• Individualized instruction and critique in the field as well as in the classroom
• How to master your camera gear
• Using the best computer and phone apps for the night sky
• How to use Photo Pills, ND apps, Depth of Field apps, tide and weather apps
Workshop Time
The workshop begins at 11 am on Thursday, September 15th, 2020 and ends mid morning Wednesday, September 21st, 2020 mid morning. This will allow people ample time to return home.
Getting There & Logistics
Everyone will meet in the lobby at the Shilo Inn right by the Portland Airport at 11am on September 15th. Many of you will probably stay at the Shilo Inn the night before if you cannot get a plane into Portland before our meetup time. I have a special group rate for this workshop under Scott Stulberg Photography Workshops for the night of September 14th if you do come in a day early. The Shilo Inn has an airport shuttle to take you to their hotel.
After a meet & greet in the lobby, we will head go over many aspects of the workshop that we will be covering, with many shooting tips and techniques covered. After the meeting, we will pick carpools to caravan during the workshop. We already have two cars for the workshop and only need one more car and driver. If you want to drive during this workshop, please contact me and we will talk about this. We will have 4 people in each car with their luggage and camera gear throughout the entire workshop. We can all share the rental car costs to make things quick and easy.
Although the workshop will start in Portland, we will be driving to Cannon Beach first and then head down the coast to my favorite four cities, staying at 4 different hotels along the coast and end up in Brookings. After the last 2 days in Brookings, we will hopefully have time to head on down to Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park to shoot the redwoods for a few hours before heading off to the Medford Airport.
Please talk to me before booking your flights, as booking your flight out of Medford too early can be a big problem for everyone else. All of this will be in the Welcome letter too but don’t forget this! So, this workshop will start in Portland, Oregon and end up in Medford, Oregon. The three of us driving can return our rental cars at the airport and everyone can catch their planes home from Medford. I have done this before and it is extremely easy to do and easy to book your flights this way too!
The cost for the workshop is $1,995 per person. The single room supplement to have your own room is $585. Items not included are: meals & and transportation. We will carpool to locations and eat as a group at restaurants for socializing, asking questions and continuing lecture discussions. As I said earlier, I will work on the logistics of who will drive in each car so aside from finding one more driver, each of you can arrive at the Portland airport, shuttle to the Shilo Inn and I will assign carpools the first day in the meeting room at the hotel.
Most of you will not have to rent a car which makes things a lot easier. Some people can also share a room with someone else if they choose and I can help to see who might want to share a room.
Please email me here if you want to save a space for this workshop. I cannot say enough about how spectacular the coast of Oregon is, especially for photographers. This is going to be one intense workshop with tons of photo ops in every location and along the drives each day!
Workshop Limit
The workshop is limited to 10 participants.
Skill Level
This workshop is for the intermediate to advanced photographer who is comfortable with their equipment and has a good grasp of photographic principles and a basic understanding of their camera operations including using f/stops and shutter speed. Basic Photoshop is also recommended but not required as we will be covering many ways to help your images look their best with some easy tips and techniques.
1. To register for The Oregon Coast Workshop 2020, fill out the registration form and mail to the address listed. For the reg form & more information contact me here
2. Next, if you cannot get to the hotel by noon on September 17th, 2020, contact the Shilo Inn and make your room reservations for the night of the 16th.
Shilo Inn Suites Hotel
Rooms are reserved under Scott Stulberg Photo Workshops to get the group rate of approx. $145 plus tax.