“Loose in the Palouse” workshop ~ ~ June 1st – 5th, 2016

If you have never heard of the breathtaking Palouse region of Eastern Washington, it might be because it is one of the best kept secrets. If you have imagined driving through the gorgeous countryside of Tuscany in Italy, this is almost the next best thing. Home to the second largest wheat fields in the world, next to Russia, the Palouse region is filled with the most gorgeous shades of green, yellow and even red rolling hills in every direction. These fields are a photographers paradise and we will be shooting them from every angle possible during June, the most colorful month of the year.

Farm houses, grain elevators, old weathered barns, bridges, tractors and classic scenes of rural America are scattered all around the countryside. The patterns from these wheat fields are addicting and the cloud formations at this time of year in the Palouse can be dazzling in photos. Summer is the best time to capture this one of a kind landscape as the lush green fields are stunning! Our last workshops were amazing as we had great weather and great people which added to a perfect workshop.

I have used my GPS all over the Palouse to map out many of my favorite spots so that we don’t miss anything. We will also be photographing at night and  try to capture barns, old pick up trucks and other things after dark with light painting as the Palouse region has so much to offer. New windmills were put in about 3 years ago and we will visit them and capture images right underneath them as they are incredible to photograph in between all the greenery. There will be a lot shooting including very early mornings with not a ton of sleep and we will all carpool to the locations to have less cars on the road. These workshops are fun and the photo ops are amazing. The Palouse is one of my favorite places on earth to shoot and this workshop will show you some very special places all over the region to capture powerful images.  To see images from last years workshops, check them out here:  The Palouse Workshops 2014

Steptoe Butte

Lone tree in the Palouse

We will also have instruction in the meeting room at the hotel and go over everything from camera techniques to the digital workflow. Many aspects of Photoshop will be covered that will help push your images of the Palouse to different levels including mastering layer masks and exploring the best Photoshop plugins. Photoshop is a photographers best friend and we will see how it can help almost any image. The meetings in the conference room will help everyone understand how to capture the Palouse and how to really make them look their best with post processing!!

I have also planned the workshop to coincide with the new moon and we will have totally dark skies for shooting the Palouse after dark. We will light paint barns and tractors, abandoned houses or grain mills and work in complete darkness with our headlamps and flashlights. We will also photograph the night sky and hopefully get great shots with star filled skies including the Milky Way, which I love to capture after dark. Weather permitting, I hope to have everyone get great cloud filled days and star filled nights. We will also be shooting an amazing retro Texaco station and old outdoor car museum at sunset and after dark with the night sky as the owner and a I are friends and what he has created is a photographers paradise!!

This workshop will have it all as I know the Palouse well and want everyone to come away with some of the best images possible from this incredible place!! I keep you up late and get you up the crack of dawn….but that is what it takes to get some of the best shots of your life up there!!


• How to create more dynamic images

• How to scout out the best light & compositions

• Finding great locations for your images

• How to shoot panoramas, HDR and multiple exposures

• Photoshop techniques including HDR , panoramas &  converting to black & white

• How to master your camera gear

• How to improve your travel photography

• Shooting after dark including light painting with flashlights and gels and also the night sky with stars and the Milky way

• Super long exposures using 10 and 15 stop Neutral Density filters

Workshop Time

The workshop begins at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, June 1st, 2016 and ends on Sunday, June 5th, 2016 after lunch. This will allow people ample time to return home.

Getting There

The Palouse region is situated in eastern Washington. The nearest airport is Spokane and is approx. 65 miles from the hotel. There are many car rental places at the Spokane Airport to rent a car for the drive to the hotel with plenty of discounts online too. You can also share a rental car with someone else from the workshop and I can work with everyone on this too.


The cost for the workshop is $975 per person. Items not included are: lodging, meals, and transportation. We will carpool to locations and eat as a group at restaurants for socializing, asking questions and continuing lecture discussions. Some people can also share a room with someone else if they choose and I can help to see who might want to share a room.

Please email me here  for a registration form if you want to save a space for this workshop.

Workshop Limit

The workshop is limited to 12 participants.

Skill Level

Basic understanding of your camera operations including using f/stops and shutter speed is needed for this workshop. Basic Photoshop is recommended. This workshop is for the intermediate to advanced photographer wanting to master sunrise & sunset light, composition and camera technique.


  1. To register for The Palouse Workshop 2016,  fill out the registration form and mail to the address listed. For more information or to get the registration form, please contact me here   . After registration, I will send out a detailed letter with lots of info on the workshop and also what to bring.                          

2.  Next, contact the hotel where we will be staying and make your room reservations.  The hotel is the BEST WESTERN PLUS Wheatland Inn, 701 N Main St Colfax, WA  99111 and the number is 877-397-0397. Rooms are reserved under Scott Stulberg Photo Workshops and our room rate is approx. $100 a night for King or double Queen.


  1. Nina Graves

    I wrote to you last week about my husband and I being interested in the Palouse workshop. I noticed you followed me on Instagram, but I haven’t heard back from you re spots left in the workshop. We’re the ones that would be in our travel trailer–staying at the Fairgrounds–if that’s OK. Can you let me know what the next steps might be?

    Nina & David Graves

  2. Barbara Colbert

    Is Photoshop training hands-on or instructor demos? I’m an experienced PS user but don’t have a laptop so wondering if one is needed for your workshop. Thanks!

  3. scottstulberg

    I am in Tuscany and just saw a comment form you from back in April. I never get comments from my blog and not sure why it doesn’t work but did I respond to you? Please let me know as I thought I did……
    thanx Nina,
    ps. I will email you too.

  4. scottstulberg

    Hi Barbara, am in Tuscany but saw your question. The demos and talks in the meting room will not need a laptop for people
    as we will go over many things but not spend too much time in the room as we will be shooting so much. Maybe about two hours each time or so.
    Let me know if you have any other questions Barbara.. It is so much just like here in Tuscany that is amazing.
    keep me posted,
    ps..I will email this to you too..to make sure you get it

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